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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Taciturn \Tac"i*turn\, a. [L. taciturnus: cf. F. taciturne. See Tacit.] Habitually silent; not given to converse; not apt to talk or speak. -- Tac"i*turn*ly, adv.

Syn: Silent; reserved.

Usage: Taciturn, Silent. Silent has reference to the act; taciturn, to the habit. A man may be silent from circumstances; he is taciturn from disposition. The loquacious man is at times silent; one who is taciturn may now and then make an effort at conversation.


adv. quietly; not in a manner inclined to speaking.


adv. without speaking; "he sat mutely next to her" [syn: mutely, wordlessly, silently]

Usage examples of "taciturnly".

He did his chores by lantern light, cooked a bachelor's meal and afterward sat on the porch and taciturnly stared at the outline of rough country through a cloud of tobacco smoke.

Sulkily and taciturnly the Kastrians opened their shops and the peasants plowed and sowed.