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a. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Tacitus (Publius Cornelius Tacitus)

Usage examples of "tacitean".

Negro fighter seemed very sure of himself, but Lee still wondered if simple savagery could produce even a Tacitean peace.

Halotus supplied him the poison while he was banqueting with the priests on the Capitoline, but Dio Cassius, lxi, 34, confirms the Tacitean account.

The cavalry general and Negro fighter seemed very sure of himself, but Lee still wondered if simple savagery could produce even a Tacitean peace.

Suetonius, Divus Claudius, xliv-xlvi, also cites an alternate version that the eunuch Halotus supplied him the poison while he was banqueting with the priests on the Capitoline, but Dio Cassius, lxi, 34, confirms the Tacitean account.