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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Table-land \Ta"ble-land`\, n. A broad, level, elevated area of land; a plateau.

The toppling crags of Duty scaled, Are close upon the shining table-lands To which our God himself is moon and sun.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1690s, from table (n.) + land (n.).

Usage examples of "table-land".

Court, one of the highest canyons of the Sierras, was in reality a plateau of table-land, embayed like a green lake in a semi-circular sweep of granite, that, lifting itself three thousand feet higher, became a foundation for the eternal snows.

Gibraltar or Ehrenbreitstein, say rather a high table-land in the region of perpetual, unmelting snow.

CONTENTS The New Fable of the Private Agitator and What He Cooked Up The New Fable of the Speedy Sprite The New Fable of the Intermittent Fusser The New Fable of the Search for Climate The New Fable of the Father Who Jumped In The New Fable of the Uplifter and His Dandy Little Opus The New Fable of the Wandering Boy and the Wayward Parent The New Fable of What Transpires After the Wind-up The Dream That Came Out with Much to Boot The New Fable of the Toilsome Ascent and the Shining Table-Land The New Fable of the Aerial Performer, the Buzzing Blondine, and the Daughter of Mr.

The blood-red sun was sinking beyond the distant Geral Mountains, when a canoe, containing four white men and three natives, came to a halt a thousand miles from the mighty Amazon, in the upper waters of the Xingu River, near the great table-land of Matto Grosso.

Then came the Phylloxera, the vine-stocks perished and the once green table-land is now no more than a desolate stretch where a few tufts of hardy grasses sprout among the pebbles.

She is so indubitably sister to Mr. Smallweed the younger that the two kneaded into one would hardly make a young person of average proportions, while she so happily exemplifies the before-mentioned family likeness to the monkey tribe that attired in a spangled robe and cap she might walk about the table-land on the top of a barrelorgan without exciting much remark as an unusual specimen.

On the grass table-land at its summit is ample camping-ground, which had been utilised as a military cantonment of no mean strength.

You are all aware that the vast table-land of Tibet is the loftiest region upon the globe.