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The ta'wiz, tawiz , muska ( Turkish) or taʿwīdh is an amulet or locket usually containing verses from the Quran or other Islamic prayers and symbols. The Tawiz is worn by some Muslims, amongst them many Sufis, to remove the wearer of any evil or affliction put on them through black magic, keep them safe and also bring good luck. As such it is intended to be an amulet. The word ta'wiz is also used to refer to other types of amulets. It may be a pendant, carvings on metal or even framed duas.

Most ta'wiz are made up of a small paper with Quranic verses or prayers written on it, typically in ink or with saffron paste. This paper is repeatedly folded and sewn inside a tiny cloth or leather pouch, usually black in colour. A black thread is used to wear it as a locket. Other ta'wiz consist of metallic sheets or pieces with prayers or Quranic verses on them.

The practice of wearing a tawiz is common in Sufi healing.