- Part of MS-DOS: Abbr
- Part of iOS: Abbr
- CBS part: Abbr
- The "S" in CBS (abbr.)
- Pt. of DOS
- Part of SSS
- Part of PBS: Abbr
- Method, for short
- Arrangement: Abbr
- Android, e.g
- The "S" of OS: Abbr
- The "S" of iOS: Abbr
- Technique: Abbr
- Routine: Abbr
- Pt. of PBS or CBS
- Part of SSS: Abbr
- Part of CNS: Abbr
- Part of ABS
- Method, briefly
- GPS part (abbr.)
- Fed. Reserve, for one
- DOS part: Abbr
- CBS part, briefly
- Betting aid: Abbr
- The "S" in "CBS": Abbr
- Subway, e.g.: Abbr
- Shortened method
- Setup, for short
- S, in some ntwk. names
- Rail complex: Abbr
- Pt. of SSS
- Pt. of CBS or CNS
- Pt. of CBS and CNS
- Process: Abbr
- PBS segment: Abbr
- Pass-fail, e.g.: Abbr
- Part of EAS (Abbr.)
- Part of DOS, for short
- Part of DOS or AWACS
- Part of CBS or DOS
- Part of AWACS
- Orderly method: Abbr
- Network (abbr.)
- Mode: Abbr
- GPS section: Abbr
- GPS part
- Gambler's aid: Abbr
- Functionary group: abbr
- Forest*A*__ (online woods management guide)
- EMS part
- DOS's "S"
- Computer ntwk
- Complex: Abbr
- Casino aid: Abbr
- Casino aid, for short
- Binary or buddy (Abbr.)
- Part of PBS: Abbr.
- Method: Abbr.
- Kind of analyst: Abbr.
- Part of S.S.S.: Abbr.
- Subway, e.g.: Abbr.
- Dewey Decimal ___: Abbr.
- Part of 12-Down: Abbr.
- The "S" in CBS: Abbr.
- Way: Abbr.
- Network: Abbr.
- DOS part: Abbr.
- Part of CBS: Abbr.
- Meth.
- Mode: Abbr.
- Part of DOS: Abbr.
- Part of 20-Across: Abbr.
- The "S" in GPS: Abbr.
- Part of GPS: Abbr.
- The "S" of TBS: Abbr.
- Interstate hwy. ___
- The "S" of GPS: Abbr.
- GPS component: Abbr.
- Alphabetizing, e.g.: Abbr.
- The second "S" of MS-DOS: Abbr.
- Org. of sorts
- Part of CBS: Abbr
- Org. of a sort
- Solar or circulatory follower: Abbr.
- Method of order: Abbr.
- Routine: Abbr.
- School supt.'s domain
- Group of RR's
- Computer ntwk.
- Wd. with solar or school
- Part of 27-Down: Abbr.
- Method: Abbr
- Part of GPS (abbr.)
- Part of CBS (abbr.)
- Way: Abbr
- Part of CBS
- Pt. of CBS
- Part of GPS: Abbr
- Network: Abbr
- Part of GPS
- Part of DOS: Abbr
- GPS part: Abbr
- Part of iOS
- Method (Abbr.)
- Pt. of GPS
- Part of DOS
- Part of TBS: Abbr
- Organization: Abbr
- Part of C.B.S.: Abbr
- The "S" of CBS: Abbr
- Part of PBS
Usage examples of "syst".
Byzantine-Romanesque surprise which was heaped in bulbiferous pyramids atop the Hill of the Martyrs in the late nineteenth century, soon after the city had finished installing a comprehensive new sewage systen.