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n. (plural of sysadmin English)

Usage examples of "sysadmins".

His weaponry included the famous SATAN program (the Security Administer Tool for Analyzing Networks, used by both sysadmins and hackers to check the "hackability" of computer networks), several breaking and entering programs that would let him grab root access on various types of machines and networks, a custom-made Web browser and newsreader, a cloaking program to hide his presence while he was in someone else's computer and which would delete traces of his activities when he logged off, sniffer programs that would "sniff out" - find - user-names, passwords and other helpful information on the Net or in someone's computer, a communications program to send that data back to him, encryption programs and lists of hacker Web sites and anonymizer sites (commercial services that would in effect "launder" e-mails and messages so that the recipient couldn't trace Gillette).

The nascent world of cyberspace is full of sysadmins, teachers, trainers, cybrarians, netgurus, and various species of cybernetic activist.

The nascent world of cyberspace is full of sysadmins, teachers, trainers, cybrarians, netgurus, students, children, parents, and various species of cybernetic activist.

One of the sysadmins at Southwest Cyberport told me that almost every day some luser email bombs one of their customers.

He doesn't want a customer who's going to be attracting email bombers and waging hacker war and drawing complaints from the sysadmins on whom this deadly dude has been testing exploit code.

This avalanche immediately alerts the sysadmins of the ISP to the presence of a spammer, and good-bye spam account.

Many people, even experienced sysadmins and hackers, assume that even with forged email, the computer name at the end of the message ID is the computer on which the email was written, and the computer that holds the record of who the guy was who forged it.

They don’t bull their way into root and make a mess of things, which tends to inspire sysadmins to call the cops.

Even if you are not breaking the law, a shell log file that shows you doing lots of hacker stuph can be enough for some sysadmins to summarily close your account.

Some sysadmins will archive the message IDs in case they need to find out who may have been abusing their email system.