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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Syrma \Syr"ma\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to drag.] (Class. Antiq.) A long dress, trailing on the floor, worn by tragic actors in Greek and Roman theaters.


n. (context historical English) A long dress, trailing on the floor, worn by tragic actors in Ancient Greek and Roman theatres.

Usage examples of "syrma".

Sverlik, and that wizard must have enough force behind him to convince Syrma to treat with him.

Cerryl eased up closer to the guards, standing to one side, wagering that they would not accompany Syrma into the study.

There must be someone to replace Sverlik, and that wizard must have enough force behind him to convince Syrma to treat with him.

In the interim, however, to protect our interests in Gallos, I will be dispatching the mage Eliasar with an honor guard of a thousand White Lancers to Gallos, in order to encourage the prefect Syrma to remit those revenues owed the Guild.

From the one time Cerryl had observed Prefect Syrma, he had to agree with the High Wizard.

Guild insisted on existing and because people like Rystryr and Syrma and Estalin wanted golds more than prosperity for their people.

Prefect Syrma has committed to sending a hundred score within the next three eight-days.