The Collaborative International Dictionary
Synoptist \Syn*op"tist\, n. Any one of the authors of the three synoptic Gospels, which give a history of our Lord's life and ministry, in distinction from the writer of John's Gospel, which gives a fuller record of his teachings.
n. Any of the authors of the three synoptic gospels, which give a history of Jesus Christ's life and ministry, in distinction from the writer of John's Gospel, which gives a fuller record of Christ's teachings.
Usage examples of "synoptist".
A series of facts of Evangelic history which have no parallel in the accounts of our Synoptists, and are certainly legendary, may be put together from the epistle of Barnabas, Justin, the second epistle of Clement, Papias, the Gospel to the Hebrews, and the Gospel to the Egyptians.
The mode of thought here is so thoroughly determined by the Hellenic spirit that we seem to have entered a new world when we pass from the synoptists, Paul and John, to Clement, Barnabas, Justin or Valentinus.