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a. (alternative spelling of synaesthetic English)


adj. relating to or experiencing synesthesia; involving more than one sense; "synesthetic response to music"; "synesthetic metaphor" [syn: synaesthetic]

Usage examples of "synesthetic".

I would always work in my corresponding synesthetic colors and then transpose the work, scoring it in normal musical notation.

We found that our synesthetic experiences were similar and that our sense impressions were often transposed with the same results.

I plugged in, making my brain into another interactive terminal on the com network, and there I was, perceiving the casino security systems as layered synesthetic tangles, and picking holes in them wherever I could and shooting in retrievers.

I found myself back in the circle, found myself building to an orgasm it was too late to avoid, but even as I climaxed in an explosion of synesthetic ecstasy I could feel Monteleur twisting and squirming in my belly.

And the so-called Synesthetic Gearbox, which added confusion to sense.

The VR illusion of her presence was so good I thought I could smell her musty, exotic scent, a mix of old lady and priest, perhaps through some synesthetic confusion in my muddled head.

It was a synesthetic age, in which every kind of art form flowered - painting, architecture, theater design, music, opera, dance, and later, film - including, for the first time in Russian history, a flourishing religious-philosophical culture.

Kraft is not, as witnessed by the fact that as he enters the park, climbs into the funneled sunlight surrounded by a home crowd of 55,878 who lose themselves in an excitement as synesthetic as it is random, he feels inexplicably good.

Ringed and ringleted, perfumed and pomaded, fringed and furbelowed, beaded and brocaded, he combined nature and nurture so overpoweringly, in fact in such an absolute assonance of synesthetic alliteration, that it became a positive pleasure to remind one's self that the underlying essence of his official cachet, like the musk of sex and the ambergris of the most ancient perfumes, was—Alex bit silently but savagely down on the word—garbage.