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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Syncretic \Syn*cret"ic\, a. Uniting and blending together different systems, as of philosophy, morals, or religion.


a. Combining disparate elements in one system, especially as in forms of religious observance, philosophical systems, or artistic creations.

  1. adj. relating to a historical tendency for a language to reduce its use of inflections; "modern English is a syncretic language" [syn: syncretical, syncretistic, syncretistical]

  2. of or characterized by syncretism [syn: syncretical, syncretistic, syncretistical]

Usage examples of "syncretic".

In contrast to most of the new religions, which are highly syncretic, it shares the exclusivism and intolerance of other religious sects that have always been the hallmarks of Nichiren Buddhism.

Yakuza, losing herself in the syncretic Shugendo Shinto sect in the mystical hills of Yoshino, where she might have remained but for a summons from her father.

And this systems view, despite what misuses it might suffer, was nonetheless a great advance over mythology in understanding the interconnectivity of the Kosmos, for it replaced syncretic wholes (seven orifices mean seven planets) with holons, or whole/parts that are contextually situated in a way that does not do violence to individual wholes or parts.

That is an excellent and very accurate description of the insides of the mythological worldspace, where syncretic wholes define the nature of interconnectivity in the Kosmos as disclosed at that depth.

Nicholas was a ninja, but he was also tanjian, a hereditary member of a syncretic psychic discipline far older than any martial art.