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n. (plural of symmetry English)

Usage examples of "symmetries".

You might suggest the gauge symmetries associated with the nongravitational forces, as discussed in Chapter 5.

Although it requires some mathematical background to appreciate fully, as we indicated in Chapter 5, there is a similar rationale behind the gauge symmetries underlying the three nongravitational forces.

The similarity with the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces is that they too are all connected with enforcing symmetries, albeit ones that are significantly more abstract than the one associated with gravity.

In fact, in 1967 physicists Sidney Coleman and Jeffrey Mandula were able to prove that no other symmetries associated with space, time, or motion could be combined with those just discussed and result in a theory bearing any resemblance to our world.

Coleman-Mandula result concerning the possible symmetries of nature, mentioned in the preceding section.

A classical starting point will necessarily omit the duality symmetries, since they hold true only when quantum mechanics is taken into account.