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n. (context ecology English) An organism that lives in a symbiotic relationship; a symbiote.

Symbiont (company)

Symbiont is a blockchain technology company based in New York City, developing products in smart contracts and distributed ledgers for use in capital markets. Their product provides a simple interface for specifying the terms and conditions when issuing smart securities, as well as integration with market data feeds. "Smart Securities" are self-enforcing, self-executing smart contracts that reduce the time and cost of managing assets and transactions with traditional systems. Investors include former CEO of the New York Stock Exchange, Duncan Niederauer, and former co-head of Citadel, Matt Andresen. Three of the founders of Symbiont are also founders of Counterparty.

Symbiont is currently working with the State of Delaware on its Delaware Blockchain Initiative, to improve capitalization table management, shareholder communications and regulatory compliance in incorporation. Symbiont has partnered with digital security company Gemalto, to employ their SafeNet hardware security modules to cryptographically secure data on their platform. It has also partnered with Ipreo, a global financial services provider owned jointly by Goldman Sachs and Blackstone, in a joint venture to apply blockchain technology to the US$ 4.7 trillion global syndicated loan market, where settlement periods are around twenty days. Ipreo will contribute its Loan Trade Settlement (LTS) platform to the new company. Symbiont is a member of the Hyperledger project.

Usage examples of "symbiont".

The Dax symbiont might have accepted that explanation, but Jadzia knew the young human doctor too well.

Dax took a deep breath and vaulted after them, feeling the familiar interior lurch of the symbiont in its pouch as their bodies adjusted to the lack of gravitational acceleration.

Although she managed to keep her tone as level as always, somewhere inside Dax a tendril of doubt curled from symbiont to host.

It was enough to show Dax what Bashir had already seen-the unmistakable gray-white mass of a naked Trill symbiont, immersed in brine that held a frozen glitter of bioelectric activity.

The movement made the light flash on his own symbiont, the same as they all wore.

Determined to ignore their escort, Luna kept her face forward as Armetris pulled up beside her on his symbiont hover cycle.

The creature, a huge version of the symbiont that all their people wore around their forearms, made no noise as it flowed beside her.

Immediately the symbiont cycle extended tendrils and wrapped them around her feet and calves, webbing her to the bike.

No, Keg sent his request for speed through his symbiont interface and the bike leaped forward.

While the majority of the settlements were in the swamp, nearly the whole of the Symbiont People were engaged in war with the Beasts who had dared to reclaim their cities beyond the swamps.

Dey clenched her fists and wished her great symbiont had chosen another time to divide.

Astride his symbiont, which quickly shifted to become a watercraft, he barely paused before heading across the water toward her.

He hopped into the barge, took her pole and directed his symbiont to the front of the boat.

It was late in her life to be awaiting maturity--most Symbiont woman achieved it in their late teens--but not unheard of.

The men exchanged looks, but Keg directed his symbiont to tow them to the base of an overhanging tree growing on a raised bit of swamp land.