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n. An expert sword fighter.


Swordmaster or Sword Master is a person skilled in the art of swordsmanship

Swordmaster may also refer to:

Usage examples of "swordmaster".

Swordmaster - much as soldiers talk to barmen, barbers and the stranger sitting next to them moments before they go over the wall.

Kingdom they hang men for impersonating officers, so putting that into the centre of the table against my getting a tongue-lashing from the Swordmaster seems to be overbetting the pot.

Craer heard stone shatter and shards clack and clatter off the stones around the swordmaster, an instant before he bent to hammer with the pommel of his own blade at the stony hands now tightening with crushing force around his own ankles.

Coblebay had entrusted her to carry, but she was caught up in a hopeless situation, held captive by two swordmasters, and now accompanied by a seasoned mercenary.

We are swordmasters and Black Shields, we obey the precepts of our order.

With them were two Swordmasters of Tir, in their black armor, and a High Marshal of Gird in chainmail under a blue mantle.

From their own discussion, it was clear that their reports to the Swordmaster would be similar, and would inevitably lead Argent to the same conclusion that both of them had independently drawn: things were barely holding together in the city, and with the way that the regulars, the Watch and the baronial captains were keeping a lid on the pot, it would likely continue to simmer a little while longer before, sooner or later, it boiled over.

The swordmaster and the two novices still stood on the brick steps of the novices' house, talking qui­etly, all three wrapped in bedgowns, though, Caris noticed, the swordmaster had her scabbarded blade still in hand, ready for action.

The swordmaster and the two novices still stood on the brick steps of the novices' house, talking quietly, all three wrapped in bedgowns, though, Caris noticed, the swordmaster had her scabbarded blade still in hand, ready for action.

First there was bodyguarding Morray against the threat of this apparently mythical assassin, and then being detailed by the Swordmaster to help keep the peace among the feuding factions, and now.

The time of Choosing, when the boys of the town and keep were taken into apprenticeship, was close, and Pug became excited as he said, "This Midsummer's Day I hope to take the Duke's service under Swordmaster Fannon.

Swordmaster Rame stood aside, assessing her with the same cool look Assur had done the night she had saved Kuurus.

Which began to explain why the Swordmaster had gone to the extremity of brevetting the three of them - he wasn't just, as he had admitted, unsure of the reliability of some of the baronial captains, he was sure of their unreliability, at least under the present circumstances of close confinement, and couldn't count on the ones he could trust to keep the lid firmly on the pot.

Pirojil wouldn't have been surprised if the idea of brevetting the three of them to help keep peace in the city had originated with her, and Steven Argent didn't even know that the seeds had been planted in his mind - perhaps while he was busy trying to plant the seeds of what would officially be Mondegreen's son in her belly, although if she had manipulated the Swordmaster, she had probably been somewhat more subtle than to whisper suggestions while they coupled in the night.

Thomas Dunlevy was the second ranking Swordmaster on Grayson, and she felt honored by his agreement to train her.