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a. resembling a sword


adj. shaped like a sword blade; "the iris has an ensiform leaf" [syn: ensiform, sword-shaped, bladelike]

Usage examples of "swordlike".

Now it charged in at her, the long, deadly spike that protruded from its left arm slashing swordlike down at her.

He had drawn a small swordlike weapon, which I did not know to be there, from the stock of the whip.

Below, bright gold monsters smashed walls, trampled men, and lifted huge snouts holding men in brownberry shirts impaled on swordlike teeth.

But the bird only ruffled up its feathers in disgust, opened its swordlike bill, gave a hoarse honk of displeasure, and stalked away into the dusk.

The swordlike object fell from her flaccid fingers, and its amber also went dull.

She kept her ready tongue and sharp sense of humor, but when she turned her swordlike wit upon me, it was to poke gently rather than to stab.

They consisted of the long sword, the short sword, the dagger, the mace, and a weapon known as the hand-gisarm, or glave- lot--a heavy swordlike blade eight palms long, a palm in breadth, and riveted to a stout handle of wood three feet long.

Agitar drew his coppery swordlike tast, which could conduct thousands of volts of electricity from his body.

They caught a glimpse of a long snaky neck, writhing and lashing about, its head armed with a swordlike spike.

All around was the dense jungle, the huge leaves and swordlike fronds reaching toward the sky.

The kris was more swordlike, but it was a cutting weapon not used for stabbing.

Others halted and hovered, the swordlike claws of their forearms outstretched but checked.

Curved, swordlike mandibles cut through the back of her sweater and hoisted her onto her feet.

The snowflake tree chose that moment to fall to pieces, and its swordlike branches sheared through a family of rabbits as they descended, but it did not seem to her an ill omen.

Unable to come up with a likely herbicide before it would be pointless, the suit suddenly sprouted long swordlike spikes from head to feet, extending them and digging into the plant, particularly inside the mouth.