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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Swoop \Swoop\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Swooped; p. pr. & vb. n. Swooping.] [OE. swopen, usually, to sweep, As. sw[=a]pan to sweep, to rush; akin to G. schweifen to rove, to ramble, to curve, OHG. sweifan to whirl, Icel. sveipa to sweep; also to AS. sw[=i]fan to move quickly. Cf. Sweep, Swift, a. & n., Swipe, Swivel.]

  1. To fall on at once and seize; to catch while on the wing; as, a hawk swoops a chicken.

  2. To seize; to catch up; to take with a sweep.

    And now at last you came to swoop it all.

    The grazing ox which swoops it [the medicinal herb] in with the common grass.

  1. That swoops or swoop. n. The action of the verb '''to swoop'''. v

  2. (present participle of swoop English)

Usage examples of "swooping".

Swinging, swooping, first high, then gliding low over the Horsekin camp, Jill led her on, threatened her with the spear, and worst weapon of all, mocked her.

When he looked down, he expected to see a corpse spattered on the grass below, but instead the raven flew, swooping up past the window with a harsh cry.

After her feast of dead horse, she was in a splendid mood, swirling and swooping with great flaps of her wings, calling back the occasional jest about what she was going to do with the raven when she found her.

With a tuck of wings he dove, swooping through the mist, levelling just under its covering in a grey light hanging over a grey country, where huge boulders pushed up through thin soil, and dust blew in little scurries to match the mist.

Evandar burst into the blue light, swooping and plunging through the air with a broadsword in one hand and an oval shield in the other.

She glowed silver with her magical light, as if she were a star sailing free the earthly sky, sailing, then swooping and dipping, heading south and west, straight for the river.

They had congregated, and they were swooping rather low over the wooded patch.

It immediately began swooping low over the heads of the assembly and fighting at the chin-stick.

The Martian tundra lay red, gray, and dusty green behind them, while beyond the mountains lay hilly country, with quoie growing in the sheltered valleys and bats swooping low over the landscape.

She held her breath as the hawk wavered back and forth, swooping east toward her, curving back almost immediately to the north line.

He did not need to hear the screech of a swooping dragon to know it would attack the men around the fire.

Dragons appeared overhead, dropping more eggs and also swooping low to flame Jelgavans rash enough to be caught away from cover.

Colin, without missing a beat, pointed out an owl swooping across the stream far beyond them.

Riding the wind, catching the currents, swooping, sailing, calling, breathing bright vermilion flames.

And Marion was nearby, swooping over a great greenish-rimed cornice, ice pluming from her wings as she caught the air that came in a deep-throated roar from the depths of a valley.