n. (swizzle stick English)
Usage examples of "swizzle sticks".
The place was full of the things-miniature skeletons playing fireman's pole on the swizzle sticks and skating on the ice trays, an entire skeletal army performing acrobatics on the vast chandelier.
A ragged barrage of mixed nuts, used tea bags, swizzle sticks, sugar packets, ice cubes, balled-up napkins, tomatoes, scoops of ice cream, the contents of numerous glasses, and at least one shoe began to rain down on the Websters.
The pentagram was in shambles, most of the drink straws and swizzle sticks having been crushed underfoot or shunted aside by the previous night's partygoers, but it was but the work of a moment to grab the Silly String he had left there and fill in the missing segments.
They said things like: Remember carrot sticks in fridge, Don't forget to salt, and one I didn't understand at all that was stuck to an empty jar and read, Auntie Nora's swizzle sticks.
They're sucking on baby pacifiers, waving phosphorescent swizzle sticks and flashing their panties at the bartender, or possibly me.
It was fitted with back-seat television, plush carpets, radio-telephone, fur rugs, air-conditioning, and a built-in drinks cabinet holding in racks six bottles, twelve glasses, and a glittering array of chromiumed corkscrews, ice picks, and miscellaneous objects like swizzle sticks.
On the bureau, a photo of Linda in cap and gown stood next to a bronze cowboy boot stuffed with pencils and gnawed plastic swizzle sticks.
It was fitted with back-seat television, plush carpets, radio telephone, fur rugs, air conditioning, and a built-in drinks cabinet holding in racks six bottles, twelve glasses, and a glittering array of chromiumed cork-screws, ice-picks, and miscellaneous objects like swizzle sticks.
A reach, stretch, grab, and down he'd come in a spectacular displacement of plastic bottles, glasses, and swizzle sticks.
A rain of peanuts, crumpled napkins, and swizzle sticks descended on him from all sides, and groans split the night.