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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Swivel hook

Swivel \Swiv"el\, n. [AS. sw[=i]fan to move quickly, to remove; akin to Icel. sveifla to whirl, shake, sv[=i]fa to ramble, to turn. See Swoop, and cf. Swift a reel, Swift, a.]

  1. (Mech.) A piece, as a ring or hook, attached to another piece by a pin, in such a manner as to permit rotation about the pin as an axis.

  2. (Mil.) A small piece of ordnance, turning on a point or swivel; -- called also swivel gun.

    Swivel bridge, a kind of drawbridge that turns round on a vertical axis; a swing bridge.

    Swivel hook, a hook connected with the iron strap of a pulley block by a swivel joint, for readily taking the turns out of a tackle.

    Swivel joint, a joint, the two pieces composing which turn round, with respect to each other, on a longitudinal pin or axis, as in a chain, to prevent twisting.

Usage examples of "swivel hook".

Then he un-snapped the swivel hook, so that he could release the falcon quickly.

The silvered steel glittered in the light of the lantern Liane had hung from a swivel hook in a disused hearth.

At one narrow end of the table, a wicked-looking swivel hook hung retracted.