Swipp is a privately held company based in Mountain View, California providing a social intelligence platform that captures, aggregates, and reports real time sentiment data via consumer and commercial applications built on their platform.
Swipp refers to the aggregated data as the "Swipp Index" as it aggregates multiple social data points in near real-time, and gives a global view of the data source (location, gender, age), trending information, over-time reporting, and other data points when available.
Swipp takes a crowd-informed view on a topic and displays it in conjunction with topic based reference data from Freebase. The resulting assemblage Swipp refers to as "Social Intelligence" – "Social" because it extracts data from Swipp-based social expression touch-points embedded across the internet and connected applications, and "Intelligent” because it merges that social expression data with factual data from sources such as Freebase.