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swing state

n. (context US idiomatic politics English) A state which may vote Democratic or Republican, in a given election or generally; a purple state.

Swing state

In presidential politics of the United States, a swing state (also, battleground state or purple state, in reference to red states and blue states) is a state in which no single candidate or party has overwhelming support in securing that state's electoral college votes. Such states receive a large share of the attention and campaigning of political parties in presidential elections, since winning these states is the best opportunity for a party to gain electoral votes. Non-swing states are sometimes called safe states, because one candidate has strong enough support that they can safely assume that they will win the state's votes.

Swing State (film)

Swing State is feature-length documentary (released in 2008), written, produced and directed by John Intrater, Jason Zone Fisher, and H. Spencer Young. Full credits available at