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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Swing plow

Swing \Swing\, n.

  1. The act of swinging; a waving, oscillating, or vibratory motion of a hanging or pivoted object; oscillation; as, the swing of a pendulum.

  2. Swaying motion from one side or direction to the other; as, some men walk with a swing.

  3. A line, cord, or other thing suspended and hanging loose, upon which anything may swing; especially, an apparatus for recreation by swinging, commonly consisting of a rope, the two ends of which are attached overhead, as to the bough of a tree, a seat being placed in the loop at the bottom; also, any contrivance by which a similar motion is produced for amusement or exercise.

  4. Influence of power of a body put in swaying motion.

    The ram that batters down the wall, For the great swing and rudeness of his poise, They place before his hand that made the engine.

  5. Capacity of a turning lathe, as determined by the diameter of the largest object that can be turned in it.

  6. Free course; unrestrained liberty or license; tendency. ``Take thy swing.'' --Dryden. To prevent anything which may prove an obstacle to the full swing of his genius. --Burke. Full swing. See under Full. Swing beam (Railway Mach.), a crosspiece sustaining the car body, and so suspended from the framing of a truck that it may have an independent lateral motion. Swing bridge, a form of drawbridge which swings horizontally, as on a vertical pivot. Swing plow, or Swing plough.

    1. A plow without a fore wheel under the beam.

    2. A reversible or sidehill plow. Swing wheel.

      1. The scape-wheel in a clock, which drives the pendulum.

      2. The balance of a watch.