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Crossword clues for swimwear

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A complete range, including trousers, shirts, leggings, dresses, jeans, tracksuits, swimwear and more.
▪ Elaine was loaded down with towels, and bags full of swimwear and sun creams.
▪ In reality it is, according to a survey conducted by swimwear company Slix, the garment women like buying least.
▪ It's the kind of swimwear that flatters a voluptuous body.
▪ It has all of the requisite sand, surf, sun, snobs and sin to go along with its saucy swimwear.
▪ Spring's new swimwear is a finely tuned balance between modesty and brazenness.

n. Items of clothing appropriate for swimming

Usage examples of "swimwear".

After dinner, the Doms changed into preferred swimwear and adjourned to the pool house, a beautiful glass structure that overlooked the water.

After years of presoaking for rich people, I think the people who make thong swimwear and underwear should just make the thong part black to begin with.