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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Swich \Swich\, a. [See Such.] Such. [Obs.]

Swich things as that I know I will declare.

Usage examples of "swich".

Whan that Aprille, with hise shoures soote, The droghte of March hath perced to the roote And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour.

This Persoun him answerede, al atones, "Thou getest fable noon ytoold for me, For Paul, that writeth unto Thymothee, Repreveth hem that weyveth soothfastnesse, And tellen fables, and swich wrecchednesse.

And after this Tiburce gat swich grace That every day he saugh in tyme and space The aungel of God, and every maner boone That he God axed, it was sped ful soone.

It is nat honeste, it may nat avaunce, For to deelen with no swich poraille, But al with riche and selleres of vitaille.

This subtil clerk swich routhe had of this man, That nyght and day he spedde hym that he kan To wayten a tyme of his conclusioun, This is to seye, to maken illusioun By swich an apparence or jogelrye- I ne kan no termes of astrologye- That she and every wight sholde wene and seye That of Britaigne the rokkes were aweye, Or ellis they were sonken under grounde.

Or, if yow liste, bidde hym thennes goon, Trille this pyn, and he wol vanysshe anoon Out of the sighte of every maner wight, And com agayn, be it day or nyght, Whan that yow list to clepen hym ageyn, In swich a gyse as I shal to yow seyn, Bitwixe yow and me, and that ful soone.

Assembled is in thee magnificence With mercy, goodnesse, and with swich pitee That thou, that art the sonne of excellence, Nat oonly helpest hem that preyen thee, But oftentyme, of thy benygnytee, Ful frely, er that men thyn help biseche, Thou goost biforn, and art hir lyves leche.

And right anon swich strif ther is bigonne For thilke grauntyng in the hevene above Bitwixe Venus, the Goddesse of Love, And Mars the stierne God armypotente, That Jupiter was bisy it to stente.

For thogh they yeve us al hir heritage, For which we clayme to been of heigh parage, Yet may they nat biquethe for no thyng To noon of us hir vertuous lyvyng, That made hem gentil men ycalled be, And bad us folwen hem in swich degree.

But of his craft, to rekene wel his tydes, His stremes, and his daungers hym bisides, His herberwe and his moone, his lodemenage, Ther nas noon swich from Hulle to Cartage.

He seyde he lovede, and was biloved no thyng, Of swich matere made he manye layes, Songes, compleintes, roundels, virelayes, How that he dorste nat his sorwe telle, But langwissheth, as a furye dooth in helle, And dye he moste, he seyde, as dide Ekko For Narcisus, that dorste nat telle hir wo, In oother manere than ye heere me seye, Ne dorste he nat to hir his wo biwreye, Save that paraventure som tyme at daunces, Ther yonge folk kepen hir observaunces, It may wel be he looked on hir face, In swich a wise as man that asketh grace.

I trowe, at Troye whan Pirrus brak the wal, Or Ilion brende, ne at Thebes the Citee, Ne at Rome for the harm thurgh Hanybal That Romayns hath venquysshed tymes thre, Nas herd swich tendre wepyng for pitee As in the chambre was, for his departynge.

The wikked nest was werker of this nede, Noght Charles Olyvver, that took ay heede Of trouthe and honour, but of Armorike Genyloun Olyver, corrupt for meede, Broghte this worthy kyng in swich a brike.

And keepe it al so clenly as thou may, Al though his cage of gold be nevere so gay, Yet hath this bryd, by twenty thousand foold, Levere in a forest that is rude and coold Goon ete wormes, and swich wrecchednesse.

For al swich thyng was yeven us in oure byrthe, Deceite, wepyng, spynnyng, God hath yeve To wommen kyndely whil they may lyve.