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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sweetening \Sweet"en*ing\, n.

  1. The act of making sweet.

  2. That which sweetens.


Sweeten \Sweet"en\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sweetened; p. pr. & vb. n. Sweetening.] [See Sweet, a.]

  1. To make sweet to the taste; as, to sweeten tea.

  2. To make pleasing or grateful to the mind or feelings; as, to sweeten life; to sweeten friendship.

  3. To make mild or kind; to soften; as, to sweeten the temper.

  4. To make less painful or laborious; to relieve; as, to sweeten the cares of life.

    And sweeten every secret tear.

  5. To soften to the eye; to make delicate.

    Correggio has made his memory immortal by the strength he has given to his figures, and by sweetening his lights and shadows, and melting them into each other.

  6. To make pure and salubrious by destroying noxious matter; as, to sweeten rooms or apartments that have been infected; to sweeten the air.

  7. To make warm and fertile; -- opposed to sour; as, to dry and sweeten soils.

  8. To restore to purity; to free from taint; as, to sweeten water, butter, or meat.


n. 1 See long sweetening and short sweetening. 2 A sweetener. vb. (present participle of sweeten English)

  1. n. something added to foods to make them taste sweeter [syn: sweetener]

  2. an improvement that makes something more agreeable [syn: enhancement]

  3. the act of adding a sweetener to food

Sweetening (show business)

In sound design, sweetening ("to sweeten") refers to "juicing up" the audio portion of a film, play, computer game software or any other multimedia project. Its origin may have been old-time radio, which produced visual detail with sound effects such as people walking, horses galloping, doors opening and closing, gunshots, "body slams," etc.

In the case of a music performance or recording, sweetening may refer to the process of adding instruments in post-production such as those found on The Sounds of Silence by folk troubadours Simon and Garfunkel. The original acoustic version of the song features just their vocals with one guitar. Producers at Columbia Records, however, felt that it needed a little spicing up to be a commercial hit, and so without the consent of the artists, they added drums, electric bass and electric guitar.

In television sweetening refers to the use of a laugh track in addition to a live studio audience. The laugh track is used to "enhance" the laughter for television audiences, sometimes in cases where a joke or scene intended to be funny does not draw the expected response, and sometimes to avoid awkward sound edits when a scene is shortened or more than one take is used in editing. Sweetening has been used in a number of television series, from older shows like Happy Days, Taxi, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, to newer sitcoms Two and a Half Men and 2 Broke Girls. The act of sweetening is demonstrated in the Woody Allen film Annie Hall when Alvy Singer visits his friend Rob, played by Tony Roberts, in Los Angeles. At one point, Rob has the engineer add laughter to cover voiced disapproval from the audience. Some shows used the canned laughter technique very obviously rather than the "in-between" technique (a recording from an external audience, but genuine laughter) described as a laugh track. An obvious sign of this is that the laughter is more or less identical in volume or magnitude, regardless of how extreme the joke is.

In bigger music TV shows, sweetening is used to enhance the sound of the visible audience. It is often difficult, for a number of reasons, to pick up the sound of the real audience, so audio sweetening is used so that viewers hear what they see - an engaged audience.

Sweetening (disambiguation)

Sweetening is the process of making food more sweet. Wikipedia does not yet have an article on this process.

Sweetening may also refer to:

  • Copper sweetening, a petroleum refining process
  • Food sweetening, adding the basic taste of sweetness to a food
  • Gas sweetening, a group of processes that use aqueous solutions of various amines to remove hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide from gases
  • Pipe sweetening, a method by which foul tasting residues are removed from the bowl and shank of a briar tobacco pipe
  • Sweetening (show business), the use of a laugh track in addition to a live studio audience in television

Usage examples of "sweetening".

Her final arpeggio climbed up the neck, sweetening as it did so, until the last note rang out, shimmering: the gracious smile of a Goddess.

Under the name of Dulcinol, a mixture of Manna and common salt has been recommended by Steinberg in 1906 as a sweetening agent in diabetes, the dose 1/2 to 1 OZ.

A few of these would go a long way toward sweetening Ringwall's sour temper when she gave her expense report.

By the time she had carried in the groceries and stored the perishables in the refrigerator, the light breeze had gone a long way toward sweetening the air.

We ate beans, beef, and sourdough bread, and we had molasses for sweetening.

It was as though they were grains of sugar sweetening the cup of life, for right then and there the man who had but recently tried to take his own life was finding that life very worth the living.