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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sweetbrier \Sweet"bri`er\, n. (Bot.) A kind of rose ( Rosa rubiginosa) with minutely glandular and fragrant foliage. The small-flowered sweetbrier is Rosa micrantha.


n. A Eurasian rose, (taxlink Rosa eglanteria species noshow=1), having prickly stems, fragrant leaves, pink flowers and red hips


n. Eurasian rose with prickly stems and fragrant leaves and bright pink flowers followed by scarlet hips [syn: sweetbriar, brier, briar, eglantine, Rosa eglanteria]

Usage examples of "sweetbrier".

Wild roses and sweetbrier sent up their evening incense to the radiant sky.

When they had gone away, nearly six months before, those bleak avenues had been leafy arcades, where the birds sang all the bright day long, flowers had bloomed wherever her eye rested, and red roses and sweetbrier had twined themselves around the low windows and stone pillars of the portico.

Nedda, waking, could hear the heavy drops pattering on the sweetbrier and clematis thatching her open window.