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sweat lodge

n. 1 A structure in which people expose themselves to high-temperature air, often combined with steam or aromatic substances, as in a steam bath or sauna. 2 A ceremony or ritual using such a structure, generally for purposes of purification.

Sweat lodge

The sweat lodge (also called purification ceremony or simply sweat) is a low profile hut, typically dome-shaped and traditionally made with natural materials. In the past it was covered with animal skins, although today a variety of coverings might be used, such as blankets, rugs, tarps, etc. Originally, it was used by just some Indigenous peoples of the Americas for ceremonial steam baths, healing, and prayer, but in modern times the ceremony has spread and is used by nearly all native American peoples.

Use of the sweat lodge has even spread to some non-native groups in North America and elsewhere, which is an issue of great controversy among indigenous peoples.

There are several styles of structures used in different cultures; these include a domed or oblong hut similar to a wickiup, a permanent structure made of wood and earth, or even a simple hole dug into the ground and covered with planks or tree trunks. Stones are typically heated and then water poured over them to create steam. In ceremonial usage, these ritual actions are accompanied by traditional prayers and songs.

Native Americans in many regions employ the sweat lodge. For example, Chumash peoples of the central coast of California build sweat lodges in coastal areas in association with habitation sites. The ancient Mesoamerican tribes of Mexico, such as the Aztec and Olmec, practiced a sweat bath ceremony known as temazcal as a religious rite of penance and purification.

Usage examples of "sweat lodge".

When it was nearly dark, the naked penitents crawled on hands and knees into the sweat lodge, followed by Pastor Morosov and a deacon.

An old Airstream trailer was parked by the sweat lodge and there were a couple more abandoned cars rusting in the side lot.

It would not hurt most of us, I suspect, once in a while, to go to a sweat lodge.

After one emerges from the sweat lodge one goes to a stream and washes in the cold water.

The walls of the sweat lodge shuddered with the low chants as they circled, their miming at first cryptic and then discernible as hunting and fighting movements.

He and bis venerable mentor stood alone in the darkened sweat lodge.

The Sioux believed that facing up to the intense heat and darkness of the lodge would purge all those who attended, especially the sick one in whose name the sweat lodge had been called.

When Sam tried to duplicate the maneuver, he struck his head on the low roof of the sweat lodge.

The happy loose-limbed band of dancers and drummers was led by a group of the young unmarried women to their sweat lodge, and in his stupefied state Kheim saw how beautiful the women were, supremely strong, as robust as the men, their feet unbound and their eyes clear and without deference&mdash.

I sit for a few minutes with my catatonic biological father, then leave the sweat lodge and scurry back to the house, air freezing on my sweaty bare skin.

When I had my vision in the sweat lodge, I saw you in three images.