n. Device to change the voice to make it more raspy, used in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punch%20and%20Judy performances
A swazzle (Swozzle, Schwazzle or Swatchel) is a device made of two strips of metal bound around a cotton tape reed. The device is used to produce the distinctive harsh, rasping voice of Punch and is held in the mouth by the Professor (performer) in a Punch and Judy show.
Usage examples of "swazzle".
I told you last night to let me have the swazzle so I could stitch a new thread on it, but no!
There should be a long thread attached to one corner, and you have the thread hanging out of your mouth so that if anything goes wrong you can haul the swazzle out.
I wondered if his choking on the swazzle had been playacting, but at once put the notion aside.
There had been no pretense about that, for I had seen the swazzle stuck deep in his throat, and in any event he could not have known that I had some nursing experience that would bring me to his aid.
During the intermission, Fitzfarris—who by now had memorized his patter in comprehensible Italian—expatiated at greater length on his few freaks, and drew out his ventriloquized banter with Little Miss Mitten and actually sold a good number of his swazzles, while Magpie Maggie Hag had no scarcity of pregnant women's palms to read during that extended interval.
They bought every sort of thing from Sir John's voice-projecting swazzles and the Auerhahn's eggs to the cartes-de-visite of the White African Pygmies, and they kept Magpie Maggie Hag profitably occupied at palm reading and dream dukkering.