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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Swarm \Swarm\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Swarmed; p. pr. & vb. n. Swarming.]

  1. To collect, and depart from a hive by flight in a body; -- said of bees; as, bees swarm in warm, clear days in summer.

  2. To appear or collect in a crowd; to throng together; to congregate in a multitude.

  3. To be crowded; to be thronged with a multitude of beings in motion.

    Every place swarms with soldiers.

  4. To abound; to be filled (with).

  5. To breed multitudes.

    Not so thick swarmed once the soil Bedropped with blood of Gorgon.


vb. (en-past of: swarm)

Swarmed (film)

Swarmed is a Canadian, made for television film by Sci Fi Pictures. It first aired on April 6, 2005. It stars Michael Shanks, as a scientist, trying to save the town from mutated yellow jacket wasps.

Usage examples of "swarmed".

Or the pursuing particles might have swarmed in through the nose and mouth, blocking the respiratory passages and choking the animal to death.

Bruised and battered crew members swarmed over the prone form, binding him with tangler ropes.

Close at hand the seals swarmed over the rocks of the island, dived and roiled close around the anchored skiff.

Flocks of long tailed birds swarmed over them, probing their curved beaks deeply into the flowers.

Tom swarmed up the rope ladder with Dorian and Mansur not far behind him.

Even Koots joined in and made a meal of these tit bits When night fell the men tried to compose themselves to rest, but the insects swarmed over them.

From the foot of the hill they heard faint cheering, and the massed troops swarmed forward towards the walls.

They clambered over the rubble and the shattered stone blocks, and swarmed through the breaches.

This was while she was sitting on the black sands of the beach, sketching the scene as the workmen swarmed over the careened hull of the Arcturus.

The raw, black-scabbed pit was uncovered, except for the metallic blue flies that swarmed into it.

The war council continued by the light of five hundred lamps, whose wicks floated in perfumed oils to drive away the clouds of mosquitoes that, as soon as the sun touched the horizon, swarmed from the swamps and cesspools outside the city walls.

The mosquitoes and biting midges rose in black clouds from the mud holes and swarmed around their sweating faces, crawling into their ears and nostrils.

As soon as they were alongside the transports the next wave of men swarmed down into them from the high deck.

The insects swarmed off the algae-green puddles that steamed in the heat.

Beshwayo stopped and held up his hand, to restrain his men who swarmed eagerly after him.