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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Swage \Swage\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Swaged; p. pr. & vb. n. Swaging.] [Equiv. to suage, abbrev. fr. assuage.] See Assuage. [Obs.]


vb. (present participle of swage English)


Swaging (, pronunciation note below) is a forging process in which the dimensions of an item are altered using dies into which the item is forced. Swaging is usually a cold working process; however, it is sometimes done as a hot working process.

The term swage can apply to the process of swaging (verb), or to a die or tool used for swaging (noun).

Usage examples of "swaging".

Whether the swaging is harder or the mental concentration to avoid suffusing the raw metal with order is more difficult, he is not sure, only that he is sweating from more than the heat of the smithy when he is through.

Vithig showed no such inhibitions, swaging it down as if it were water.

Jan and Vithig showed no such inhibitions, swaging it down as if it were water.

Now he learned the fine points of swaging, and how to get the set so even, the cut surface was as smooth as if planed.