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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Swaggerer \Swag"ger*er\, n. One who swaggers; a blusterer; a bully; a boastful, noisy fellow.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, agent noun from swagger (v.).


n. One who swaggers.


n. someone who walks in an arrogant manner

Usage examples of "swaggerer".

He was a swaggerer who thought himself a handsome fellow despite a scarred cheek and the two toes missing from the left foot visible through his hobnailed sandals.

The Huntress, the Swaggerer, the Rogue, on the one hand, and on the other, the Slanderer, the Lawmonger and the Busybody - a mixture would make devils reach.

But even the most foolish swaggerer of them could not call milksop a man who could out-ride, outleap, outfence, outhunt him.

The superiority assumed by these vainglorious swaggerers was, in general, tacitly admitted.