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sustained yield

n. 1 (context ecology English) The continuing yield of a biological resource by controlled periodic harvesting 2 The quantity of a resource harvested in this manner

Sustained yield

According to the Multiple Use, Sustained Yield Act of 1960 (P.L. 86-517), sustained yield (from the national forests) means the “achievement and maintenance in perpetuity of a high level of annual or regular periodic output of the various renewable resources of the national forests without impairment of the productivity of the land.”

Usage examples of "sustained yield".

Taffari was proposing exactly the same philosophy in which Daniel himself believed so implicitly, the philosophy of sustained yield, the disciplined and planned utilisation of the earth's resources, so that they were always renewing themselves.

There is no single product derived from whales which cannot now be synthesized at comparable cost, and proteins and fats can be more effec- tively produced by farming on a sustained yield basis than by the hunting-to-extinction methods which we still apply to oceanic life.