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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Suspire \Sus*pire"\, v. i. [L. suspirare to breathe out, to sigh; sub under + spirare to breathe: cf. F. souspirer, OF. souspirer.] To fetch a long, deep breath; to sigh; to breathe.

Fireflies that suspire In short, soft lapses of transported flame.
--Mrs. Browning.


Suspire \Sus*pire"\, n. [Cf. L. suspirium.] A long, deep breath; a sigh. [Obs.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., "to sigh," from Old French souspirer (Modern French soupirer), or directly from Latin suspirare "to draw a deep breath, heave a sigh," from assimilated form of sub "under" (see sub-) + spirare "to breathe" (see spirit). Related: Suspired; suspiring; suspiral; suspirious.


n. (context obsolete English) A long, deep breath; a sigh. vb. 1 To breathe. 2 To exhale. 3 To sigh.

  1. v. heave or utter a sigh; breathe deeply and heavily; "She sighed sadly" [syn: sigh]

  2. draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs; "I can breathe better when the air is clean"; "The patient is respiring" [syn: breathe, take a breath, respire]

Usage examples of "suspire".

Francis had watched two dozen people suspire into death, all of them bums except for his father, and Gerald.

Windmaster Boras Mael, who suspires his soul through the leaves, and who has given his right toe to the Great Bone.

Presently upon his hide a little ball of liquid mysteriously suspired, grew, slid, dropped from his flanks into the road.

Lying on your back lazily, the body expressing the condition of yawning, suspiring while conceiving by smiling, that is the idea of the posture.

Instead, she devoted herself with an unusual and devastating assiduity to the suspiring Leandre, that poor devil who could not successfully play the lover with her on the stage because of his longing to play it in reality.

He threw himself behind its trunk and crouched there, peering up into the vast bluegreen umbrella of suspiring leaves.