Usage examples of "susi".
The Reed twins (the stuff of which harmless housewife-fantasies were made, in Belinda Josephson's humble opinion), along with Susi Geller and a dishy redhead Belinda didn't know, were standing on the lawn.
For a moment it seemed they would go into the living room together, but then Susi pulled away.
There was a meaty thud, and from a little distance away (the Carvers' back porch was Brad's guess), Susi Geller voiced another brief scream.
Axel Mischke was preparing to be a welder at the Schichau shipyards, Susi was learning to be a salesgirl at Sternfeld's department store and was already going steady.
He looked past her and saw Kim and Susi Geller sitting on the floor with their arms around each other.
Then she turned her head toward Susi and began to stroke the girl's hair.
Here it alit, looking from David Carver's body to that of Susi Geller's friend.
Then his head blew apart, his ambitions to write great essays (not to mention those of getting into Susi Geller's pants) so much vapor in the strange sunset air, red goo that splattered across one of the insane cacti like spit.
The kids are still shrieking from the pantry, and Susi is howling from the end of the entry hall.
All eyes turned toward Susi, and Axel Mischke handed her a sky-blue enamel cook pot.
But he waited until Susi, who apparently had no panties on under her dress, had squatted down on the pot, clasping her knees, looking off expressionlessly into space, and finally crinkling her nose as the pot emitted a tinny tinkle, showing that Susi had done her bit for the soup.
I heard Susi Rater's voice: "What's he running for, he's going to snitch on us.
I for my part learned the magic of temptation, not the kind of temptation that lured the fourteen-year-olds on our block down to the cellar with Susi Kater to play doctor and patient.
That tempted me not at all, I avoided it like the plague after the little monsters, Axel Mischke and Nuchi Eyke, in the role of serum donors, and Susi Kater playing the doctor, had used me as a patient, making me swallow medicines that were not so sandy as the brick soup but had an aftertaste of putrid fish.
Kater and her daughter Susi, who was grinning behind her handkerchief and had grown rather too quickly, were just tendering their sympathies to Matzerath, naturally -- how could they help it?