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n. (plural of surtout English)

Usage examples of "surtouts".

Thus I stared at balmacaans and surtouts, dolmans and jerkins of paduasoy, matelasse, and a hundred other costly fabrics without ever going into the places that displayed them, or even stopping to examine them.

The visitor was about fifty-two years of age, dressed in one of the green surtouts, ornamented with black frogs, which have so long maintained their popularity all over Europe.

Its snowy wastes were bare of tableware, save for a quartet of surtouts, the seasons personified.

For ornament, there were golden surtouts in the shape of fruiting and blossoming trees.

And there are the office lads in their first surtouts, who feel a befitting contempt for boys at day-schools, club as they go home at night, for saveloys and porter, and think there's nothing like 'life.