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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Surmount \Sur*mount"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Surmounted; p. pr. & vb. n. Surmounting.] [OE. sourmounten, OF. surmonter, sormonter, F. surmonter; sur over + monter to mount. See Sur-, and Mount, v. i.]

  1. To rise above; to be higher than; to overtop.

    The mountains of Olympus, Athos, and Atlas, overreach and surmount all winds and clouds.
    --Sir W. Raleigh.

  2. To conquer; to overcome; as, to surmount difficulties or obstacles.

  3. To surpass; to exceed.

    What surmounts the reach Of human sense I shall delineate.

    Syn: To conquer; overcome; vanquish; subdue; surpass; exceed.


Surmounted \Sur*mount"ed\, a.

  1. (Arch.) Having its vertical height greater than the half span; -- said of an arch.

  2. (Her.) Partly covered by another charge; -- said of an ordinary or other bearing.


vb. (en-past of: surmount)


adj. having something on top; "columns surmounted by statues"

Usage examples of "surmounted".

Why is there a rusticated pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States, surmounted by the mystic eye?

The great Pagoda at Tanjore was of six stories, surmounted by a temple as the seventh, and on this three spires or towers.

An ancient pagoda at Deogur was surmounted by a tower, sustaining the mystic egg and a trident.

He succeeded, by his incredible patience and the courage with which he surmounted all obstacles, in obtaining admission to their society and receiving their lessons.

This Cross, surmounted by a circle, and that by a crescent, became an emblem of the Supreme Deity--or of the active power of generation and the passive power of production conjoined,--and was appropriated to Thoth or Mercury.

Saturn by a cross over a crescent, Jupiter by a cross under a crescent, Mars by a cross resting obliquely on a circle, Venus by a cross under a circle, and Mercury by a cross surmounted by a circle and that by a crescent.

Triangle surmounted by a cross symbolizes the perfection of the Great Work, 790-l.

Not a handsome man-but definitely an interesting-looking one-he had a long, pale face surmounted by a thatch of wiry, waving hair of that indeterminate color called mouse-brown.

The chief glory of his apparel was his helmet, a splendid silver cap with cheek flaps and a neck guard, and surmounted by a leaping enameled fish larger than a conventional plume would have been.

Having literally surmounted this, that is, got on the top of it, he found there a narrow vertical opening: was it but a shallow recess, or did it lead into the heart of the rock?

He had carved the tip into the likeness of a fortress tower surmounted by a Circle of Unity.

Where the avenues met in the forecourt, they joined into a broad stair surmounted by an archway, two ivory pillars linked by a curving arbor of dog roses and belladonna.

Eagle returned, escorting a single man resplendent in rich vestments surmounted by a scarlet cloak trimmed with gems at the collar.

Cherbu beckoned, and she followed him to the round tent surmounted by the Pechanek banner.

Bolstered by their presence, like a noble lady with picked warriors at her back, she let Petrus escort her through the Hall of the Animals and outside along an arcade surmounted by a procession of saints, each one lovingly carved into the marble.