n. (plural of surging English)
Usage examples of "surgings".
He had to time his rush up the ramp between the buckings and surgings of the silver surface of the ground.
I was certain, too, that habiline ears were much better than mine, that they apprehended these faint dawn concerts as powerful surgings of emotion.
Excitement ran through these creatures—indeed, through me too—like surgings of electricity, the elemental élan vital.
This man, he says, laboured to achieve an inward chastity of heart and soul, by prayers both by night and day, by fasting and by vigils, till he at last perceived that, by Divine grace, he had extinguished all the surgings of carnal concupiscence.
Through the misty surgings of her brain she heard the faint boom of half forgotten words—words spoken by Alida Stair on the lawn at Pangbourne before Boyne and his wife had ever seen the house at Lyng, or had imagined that they might one day live there.