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surgical gown

n. A protective plastic gown worn by a surgeon when performing surgery.

surgical gown

n. protective garment worn by surgeons during operations [syn: gown, scrubs]

Usage examples of "surgical gown".

Worse, she couldn't see if anybody was slipping on a surgical gown.

Sister Maloney, wearing a big white surgical gown and a surgical mask, was waiting for him.

In the locker room, I changed into a plastic apron and surgical gown.

Terry walks in, his scuffed black doctor's bag in hand, a fresh surgical gown untied in back and billowing as he heads to the counter.

She had a wonderful body that even the bulky surgical gown she was wearing could not hide.

A rose of brown blood blossomed on her surgical gown, and she went down without a sound.

The belt went around my upper waist under a long-sleeved blue surgical gown so the mike key would not come into direct contact with bloody hands.

As the nurse slipped Celestina into a surgical gown and tied it be hind her back, Sister Josephina knelt before her and tugged a pair of elastic-trimmed cloth booties over her street shoes.

A full-length surgical gown fell to below the knees and was tucked into the tops of white rubber boots.

Now people had come out on their porches, slipping quietly into the dark shadows of their yards to watch this wild woman in surgical gown, hair cover and gloves shining a flashlight in their neighbor's cubbyholes and talking to their chief.

In the locker room he stripped out of his peach and silver finery, shrugged into the green surgical gown, and scrubbed.

The cord goes down my back, under my surgical gown, and wiggles around behind me, like tail of monkey, tail of fiend.

Scarpetta, dressed in a surgical gown and gloves, emerged to see what all the commotion was about.