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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Surcharge \Sur*charge"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Surcharged; p. pr. & vb. n. Surcharging.] [F. surcharger. See Sur-, and Charge, and cf. Overcharge, Supercharge, Supercargo.]

  1. To overload; to overburden; to overmatch; to overcharge; as, to surcharge a beast or a ship; to surcharge a cannon.

    Four charged two, and two surcharged one.

    Your head reclined, as hiding grief from view, Droops like a rose surcharged with morning dew.

  2. (Law)

    1. To overstock; especially, to put more cattle into, as a common, than the person has a right to do, or more than the herbage will sustain. Blackstone.

    2. (Equity) To show an omission in (an account) for which credit ought to have been given.
      --Story. Daniel.

  3. To print or write a surcharge on (a postage stamp).

  1. (context of a postage stamp English) overprinted with a new value v

  2. (en-past of: surcharge)

Usage examples of "surcharged".

As we realized what the whole affair meant, we relieved our surcharged feelings with a few general yells of execration upon Rebels generally, and upon those around us particularly, and resumed our occupation of cooking rations, killing lice, and discussing the prospects of exchange and escape.

When the system is surcharged with bile, from a congested condition of the liver, we use these agents in order to obtain necessary relief.

THE WHITE ASHES OF HICKORY OR MAPLE WOOD dissolved in water make an excellent alkaline drink in fevers, or whenever the system seems surcharged with acidity.

There being an obstruction to the free passage of the blood through the heart, any excessive muscular exertion, or anything, in fact, which increases the action of the heart, is very apt to produce congestion of the lungs, and then the blood becomes surcharged with carbonic acid, which causes increased efforts to take more air into the lungs.

This impure, venous blood, surcharged with biliary elements, which must be withdrawn from it, is freely poured into the minute network of this glandular organ.

The pulse is full and strong, the blood abundant and surcharged with red corpuscles.

Swallows were flying rather low, and the sky, whose moods they watch, had the slumberous, surcharged beauty of a long, fine day, with showers not far away.

So, through the peace of that country, all laid down in grass, through the dignity and loveliness of trees and meadows, this May evening, with the birds singing under a sky surcharged with warmth and color, he sped home to dinner.

For days thereafter we heard nothing, though the hot, close Summer air seemed surcharged with the premonitions of a war storm about to burst, even as nature heralds in the same way a concentration of the mighty force of the elements for the grand crash of the thunderstorm.

For on my shield behold and see, Upon field vert, gules falcons three, Surcharged with heart ensanguiney, To prove to one and all of ye, A love-lorn knight am I.

His bannerole a-flutter from long lance, Till he was come where, plain for all to spy, Was hung the shield and blazon of Sir Gui, With bends and bars in all their painted glory, Surcharged with hand ensanguined--gules or gory.

But having seen it, and for the first time, as he believed, his passion for the woman causing it became surcharged with bitterness, atrabiliar.

Scolding, she had long ago realised, was a useless waste of time and energy where Comus was concerned, but this evening she unloosed her tongue for the mere relief that it gave to her surcharged feelings.