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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It is a moot point whether a supranational authority is also required.
▪ Confederation A confederation is an association in which states delegate some power to a supranational central government but retain primary power.
▪ Early in 1965 Hallstein attempted to push the Community more firmly back on the supranational path.
▪ It is a moot point whether a supranational authority is also required.
▪ It is not difficult to guess which countries will benefit from this supranational politico-economic Lego.
▪ Obviously there will have to be agreements on the division of labour between national authorities and the supranational agency.
▪ The final thesis is that international harmonization of competition policies is essential, and probably a supranational competition authority is needed as well.
▪ The High Authority, however, survived as a distinct body until 1965 when it was merged with the other supranational executives.
▪ The real essence of integration, however, is not multilateralism, but the creation of a supranational economy.

a. Beyond the borders or scope of any one nation.


adj. transcending established national boundaries or spheres of interest; "a supranational economy"; "supranational federations"

Usage examples of "supranational".

Through its contemporary transformation of supranational law, the imperial process of constitution tends either directly or indirectly to penetrate and reconfigure the domestic law of the nation-states, and thus supranational law powerfully overdetermines domestic law.

Throughout the unbounded global spaces, to the depths of the biopolitical world, and confronting an unforeseeable temporality-these are the determinations on which the new supranational right must be defined.

The Hobbesian variant focuses primarily on the transfer of the title of sovereignty and conceives the constitution of the supranational sovereign entity as a contractual agreement grounded on the convergence of preexisting state subjects.

Whereas the Hobbesian hypothesis emphasizes the contractual process that gives rise to a new unitary and transcendental supranational power, the Lockean hypothesis focuses on the counterpowers that animate the constitutive process and support the supranational power.

For it is vision-logic with its centauric/planetary worldview that, in my opinion, holds the only hope for the integration of the biosphere and noosphere, the supranational organization of planetary consciousness, the genuine recognition of ecological balance, the unrestrained and unforced forms of global discourse, the nondominating and noncoercive forms of federated states, the unrestrained flow of worldwide communicative exchange, the production of genuine world citizens, and the enculturation of female agency (i.