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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Supposititious \Sup*pos`i*ti"tious\, a. [L. suppositicus. See Supposition.]

  1. Fraudulently substituted for something else; not being what is purports to be; not genuine; spurious; counterfeit; as, a supposititious child; a supposititious writing.

  2. Suppositional; hypothetical. [R.]
    --Woodward. [1913 Webster] -- Sup*pos`i*ti"tious*ly, adv. -- Sup*pos`i*ti"tious*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"put by artifice in place of another," 1610s, from Latin supposititius, from suppositus, past participle of supponere (see suppose).


a. 1 spurious; substituted for the genuine, counterfeit. 2 (context obsolete English) imaginary; fictitious, pretended to exist. 3 supposed or hypothetical.


adj. based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence; "theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural"; "the supposed reason for his absence"; "suppositious reconstructions of dead languages"; "supposititious hypotheses" [syn: conjectural, divinatory, supposed, suppositional, suppositious]

Usage examples of "supposititious".

Scientific Adam, the first specimen of the genus man, the supposititious personage who, as the earliest product, on this grade, of the Creative organic force or Divine energy, commenced the series of human generations.

Replying to the supposititious argument furnished by this passage, we say, Take the account as it reads, and it neither asserts nor implies the idea commonly held concerning it.

But, leaving out of view the inherent absurdity of the doctrine of a physical resurrection, there is a fatal difficulty in the way of both these supposititious modes of mutual knowledge in another world.

When for mastering the dim momentous problems of our destiny the given quantities and relations of science are inadequate, the helpful supposititious conditions furnished by faith may equally lead over their airy ways to conclusions of eternal truth.

Other generalisations proving equally unprofitable, I began scientifically to consider in detail the attributes of the supposititious paragon,--attributes of body and mind and heart.

But by and by I evolved an idea--I would wake my brother and probe him with a supposititious case.

The liberty to summon this or that man-of-letters to a supposititious bar of justice is apt to beget in the self-appointed judge an exaggerated sense of superiority.

To me, for one, it would be eminently painful to think--what doubtless would occur if the motion is adopted--that within a week of his entrance into the asylum of the society named in it, this diminutive and unknowing sinner should go through the farce of a supposititious admission into the Church of Christ.

In the middle of his triumphs, being recalled to Lima, no one doubted that it was in order to confer with the Viceroy about the supposititious mines.

The Viceroy, being a man of little faith, sent to investigate the supposititious mines, but found them non-existent.

One passage in his letter of instructions shows that the antique, but still current, fashion of going to any length to obtain a country in which are situated even supposititious gold-mines had its influence even with such an honest man as Bucareli was.

He warmed and softened to the young man in every way, not only because he must do so to any one who believed in his paint, but because he had done this innocent person the wrong of listening to a defamation of his instinct and good sense, and had been willing to see him suffer for a purely supposititious offence.

Deemer would have said if he had been there - the other side pushing its advantage to the extreme and making the supposititious testimony distinctly damaging to the interests of its proponents.

Blackmail, speculation on the Bourse, even the desperate expedient of a supposititious child, all these she tried as means of acquiring a competence.

Affectionate letters from the elderly gentleman on whom she had imposed a supposititious child lay side by side with a black-edged card, on which was written the last message of a young lover who had killed himself on her account.