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a. (context economics English) regarding the supply side of the economy

Usage examples of "supply-side".

Yet, even as taxes are reduced, supply-side economics also demands that the government operate on a balanced budget, since deficit spending encourages destructive inflation.

Friedman’s sidekick, economist Art Laffer, preened that Pinochet’s Chile was “a showcase of what supply-side economics can do”.

The new administration marched under the banner of supply-side economics, a belief that the economy thrives by stimulating the production of goods and services (the supply side) because (according to advocates of the theory) supply creates demand.

All futile efforts to find ways to stop the continual expansion possible with supply-side economics.

Just get one of those things in Earth orbit, where we can go into, uh, a mining mode, and supply-side economics can work.

He quickly gathered that most of the people around him believed in astrology, psychics, cosmetic surgery, and supply-side economics, and that some few among them were alarmed by the trend toward virtual actors.