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supply route

n. a route over which supplies can be delivered [syn: supply line]

Usage examples of "supply route".

A secret tunnel, such as my father had told me all castles had once had, a means of escape as well as a supply route if beseiged.

There were still enough Harriers north of Orlando to make a Sinolnd air supply route plain suicide.

Since I'm taking all the carvels and their experienced captains, he'll be relying on the two of you to fend off Malwa attacks on his supply route up the Indus.

Under cover of darkness, the battalion infiltrated the enemy front-line positions and seized the high ground commanding the main German military supply route west of Zerf.

The rumbles of the distant artillery continued, dropping planned fire-missions on a suspected supply route.

He's more likely to land by the gulf itself, where our communications lines and supply route pass close to the coast.

But the colony's supply route came through there, along the entire length of the Puerto Rico trench, so Don suspected that their apprehension was exaggerated.

They were unaware that three Red Chinese divisions, about 30,000 men, were in the mountains on either side of the Yudam-ni Valley, ready to attack, and that the rest of the Chinese Ninth Army Group was moving to cut the main supply route in many places once that attack began.

The task was to confirm the position of the Main Supply Route and to locate the landline.

Between them and us, we'll drive the traitors back and open up a proper supply route.