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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Supine \Su*pine"\, a. [L. supinus, akin to sub under, super above. Cf. Sub-, Super-.]

  1. Lying on the back, or with the face upward; -- opposed to prone.

  2. Leaning backward, or inclining with exposure to the sun; sloping; inclined.

    If the vine On rising ground be placed, or hills supine.

  3. Negligent; heedless; indolent; listless.

    He became pusillanimous and supine, and openly exposed to any temptation.

    Syn: Negligent; heedless; indolent; thoughtless; inattentive; listless; careless; drowsy. [1913 Webster] -- Su*pine"ly, adv. -- Su*pine"ness, n.


n. the state of being supine

Usage examples of "supineness".

The world waits only the news of a revolution of Germany to see the tyrants who have pinnacled themselves on its supineness precipitated into the ruin from which they shall never arise.