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n. The status or position of a superstar.

Usage examples of "superstardom".

Never mind, of course, that Teddy himself reacted badly to women in positions of authority, and had a real problem with the superstardom Marissa had achieved as a senior member of the PSD team.

Collis Raeburn, who had been rapidly attaining international superstardom, had been reduced by the State Morgue to a case number and a concise recital of facts.

Brody had reached superstardom when he was only twenty-five and had maintained that status for the last ten years.

By November, it was clear Kevin Peterson was headed toward the sort of superstardom popularity reserved for the Brat Pack and middle school football stars.

Amis has reached such a level of superstardom that his author's bio can understate: 'Martin Amis lives in London.

She launched into her spiel about the benefit at the Funhouse, about how Holley could go on early in the following Saturday's performance, that maybe he could do a medley of the music that had propelled him to superstardom in the fifties and early sixties, that perhaps-just maybe--the concert and the telecast could rejuvenate his career.