n. (context physics English) A coordinate space invoked in supersymmetry
"Superspace" is the coordinate space of a theory exhibiting supersymmetry. In such a formulation, along with ordinary space dimensions x, y, z, ..., there are also "anticommuting" dimensions whose coordinates are labeled in Grassmann numbers rather than real numbers. The ordinary space dimensions correspond to bosonic degrees of freedom, the anticommuting dimensions to fermionic degrees of freedom.
See also supermanifold (although the definition of a superspace as a supermanifold here does not agree with the definition used in that article).
R is the Z- graded vector space with R as the even subspace and R as the odd subspace. The same definition applies to C.
The word "superspace" was first used by John Wheeler in an unrelated sense to describe the configuration space of general relativity; for example, this usage may be seen in his 1973 textbook Gravitation.
Usage examples of "superspace".
But the very fact that they were calling on her—that they might need to know about (as she had expressed it in her doctoral dissertation, Non-gravity Bent Geodesics of n-Spatial Reference Frames: An Approach to Superspace Visualization and Probability Clustering)—made her even more apprehensive.
For that matter, legend had it that only a handful of men had ever really comprehended the geodynamics of superspace - and they were now centuries dead.