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a. Beyond the range of what is perceptible by the senses; not belonging to the experienceable physical world.

Usage examples of "supersensory".

After a game, there was a supersensory awareness: the bruises, pulls, the aches within.

Doc Savage has been, for instance, under the wing of a Yale expert on atomic phenomena, a Virginia experimenter in supersensory activity, a Yogi practitioner from India, a jungle chief and tracker in Africa.

These sketches are based upon reports compiled from previous encounters with Karthrogen in which persons with supersensory capabilities survived long enough to record perceptions.

There is abundant evidence that a supersensory perception is also developed, entirely beyond the most highly developed condition of the ordinary senses, such as being able to tell clearly what some other person is doing at a great distance.

It is more likely that the remarkable supersensory power given enabled reading through the wood.