n. One who is extremely patriotic.
SuperPatriot is an Image Comics superhero created by Erik Larsen in 1992. SuperPatriot has had regular appearances in Erik Larsen's titles, whether in his own mini-series or as a supporting character and is currently a member of the Liberty League.
Usage examples of "superpatriot".
For an erstwhile traitor, this involved a spectacular metamorphosisfor increasingly Ozaki came to be seen as a true patriot, a man who loved his country in a deeper, more genuine way than all the self-righteous ultranationalists and superpatriots.
Ozaki came to be seen as a true patriot, a man who loved his country in a deeper, more genuine way than all the self-righteous ultranationalists and superpatriots.
And neither was her hair drawn back in the semiofficial style of the semiofficial voluntary celibates, the superpatriots (or simÂply sex-shy people, or dislikers of children) who surrendered their right to reproduce for the good of the ship (or their own convenience).
Grace Rinehart was a megalomaniacal superpatriot with an Electra complex.
One crazed young man cracked under the agony, held a pistol against a cafe window, and shot dead Jean Jaures, whose leadership in international socialism and in the fight against the Three-Year Law had made him, in the eyes of superpatriots, a symbol of pacifism.
Dressed in formal red coats, and black jodhpurs of Imperial Guardsman, they had the short haircuts, small mean eyes, and arrogant chins that wordlessly suggested the breed of superpatriots who remorselessly followed all orders, under all circumstances.
And, unless the council is composed of superpatriots, I think you'll be waiting for the antidote before authorizing the broad-spectrum release.