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a. 1 Beyond what is normal; exceeding the average or the point of reference. 2 paranormal, supernatural. 3 (context default logic of a default English) Both categorical and normal.

  1. adj. beyond the range of the normal or scientifically explainable; "supernormal intimations" [syn: supranormal]

  2. exceeding the normal or average; "years of supernormal employment during the war"; "a phase of supernormal excitability"


Supernormal is a British children's television programme for CITV. It was developed and produced by World Leaders Entertainment in New York City, USA, and Granada Kids UK. It was animated by Fatkat Animation, a Canadian animation studio. It made its television début on 1 September 2007 on CITV, but the official premiere was on 8 September of the same year.

Usage examples of "supernormal".

Dogged biometricians had pointed out with irrefutable logic thai mental subnormals were outbreeding mental normals and supernormal and that the process was occurring on an exponential curve.

She had hoped to write a paper on biofeedback, autogenics, and the supernormal experience in myth.

He wanted your money and control of the company, and reasoned correctly that you'd be nervous and high-strung enough to be an easy victim for anything that seemed the least bit supernormal.

One of the Threganders who has a Weber chart requested the set through the chrondromos which, in an at­tempt at the supernormal, unstabled without carnuplicating.