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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Superheat \Su`per*heat"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Superheated; p. pr. & vb. n. Superheating.]

  1. To heat too much, to overheat; as, to superheat an oven.

  2. (Steam Engine) To heat, as steam, apart from contact with water, until it resembles a perfect gas.

  3. To heat (a liquid) above its boiling point without converting it into vapor.


Superheated \Su"per*heat`ed\ heated to a temperature above the boiling point at the ambient pressure; -- said of liquids. In such an unstable condition, a small disturbance of the liquid can cause a rapid and sometimes violent ebullition of vapor.

  1. 1 heated above the boiling point; 2 (context figuratively English) exceedingly intense or emotional. v

  2. (en-past of: superheat)

Usage examples of "superheated".

Certain brutal mathematics hinted that no end was coming, that the superheated bubble would grow and grow, and within another million years, the Milky Way would have vanished, its plasmatic ash racing toward the living worlds of Andromeda.

It was where one of the superheated gales roared off the land and collided with the cold air over the ocean.

Phaid ducked low as the stink of burned flesh and superheated sand reached him.

It was only a prolonged storm in Chrystianaville, but out in the countryside, a previously habitable strip of land was either being scorched barren by blasts of superheated air or turned into permafrost by sub-zero gales.

At the touch of a switch, superheated steam, excessive blowoff from the city powerhouse, blasted down the pipe and the condemned were literally steamed alive.

Where cracks appeared red blood oozed forth, and it sizzled as it made contact with the superheated skin.

He and Stevens stood next to P8, off to one side of the door to main engineering, while Conlon operated the extractor that was pumping the superheated atmospheric fluids out of the compartment beyond.

He heard the high-pitched whine of the force field struggling to hold the churning tides of superheated metallic hydrogen at bay.

At the end of the tunnel we could see an orangish light, and smell the acrid scent of superheated stone.

My guts began to boil, superheated blood burst from my ears and was vomited out my mouth.

Other pulpy sections of the maguey were being steamed in rock-lined pits, the stones in which had first been superheated with leaping, crackling greasewood fires before a layer of maguey was laid upon them and covered with wet leaves and grasses, upon which was laid a second layer of maguey, another layer of leaves and grasses, thus alternating until the pit was filled and the whole covered tightly over with earth from which protruded several of the long bayonet spikes of the mescal, the lower ends of which were embedded in the roasting pulp.

A blistering sun poured down upon him, the superheated earth and rocks of the trail gave it back in searing intensity.

The hum of the turbines, driven by superheated steam generated by the reactors bubbling a few yards from his feet, was a perpetual background to his thinking.

It was a moving serpent of liquid, superheated rock which, disgorged from the gutted earth, had cascaded down the outside of the squat volcanic cone and was now seething forward.

In other spots, rivulets of the superheated stone twisted sinuously along.