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n. superencryption

Usage examples of "superencipherment".

Corregidor was not to get the initial break into the new superencipherment until December 8.

Unfortunately for the Germans, the superencipherment did not obliterate all traces of the underlying code, which employed a distinctive mixture of 3-, 4-, and 5-digit codegroups.

This was Code 13040, which was an older and simpler code than 0075 and whose superencipherment had led to the discovery of the Swedish roundabout.

Though the British had suggested that a superencipherment might be involved, the precise nature of the system had to be determined, the superencipherment stripped off, and the repertory then built up.

The three bureaus cooperated closely, but it was largely due to a French genius that within two days they had neutralized the Schliisselheft superencipherment and dismembered much of the lexicon.

Thus, in one edition of the superencipherment, 40606 became feded, 40699, kedir, and so on.

This superencipherment left the cucuc and cuccu configuration of the codegroup unchanged, and this regularity enabled the Pers z mathematicians to break first into this original system and, in 1940, into a modification of it.

Ironically, changes of superencipherment within a message, intended to provide greater security, furnished the German cryptanalysts with isomorphic repetitions that helped them reconstitute the superencipherment substitution.

With the superencipherment stripped off, the linguistic group solved a big 72,000-group code with not too much trouble.

Wesemann achieved what might be the first nautical cryptanalysis on record when, on the basis of the captured code and several merchant messages that he had intercepted, he succeeded in reconstructing about one third of the superencipherment table then in use.

This enabled the Italians surreptitiously to open the safe, remove and photograph the black code and its attendant superencipherment tables, and then replace them.

The linguists, joined by a few mathematicians to strip current superencipherments, moved into a wing of Burgscheidungen Castle near Naumburg, northwest of Wiemar.

Code that has not yet undergone such a process—called superencipherment —or which has been deciphered from it is called placode, a shortening of "plain code.