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n. (context physics English) The current flowing through a superconductor


A supercurrent is a superconducting current, that is, electric current which flows without dissipation.

Usage examples of "supercurrent".

His equations predicted that the strength of the supercurrent should depend on the relative phases of the quantum waves on either side of the barrier.

If the phases could somehow be driven slightly out of step in the two superconductors, the supercurrent would turn on.

The larger the phase difference, the larger the supercurrent, but only up to a point.

Once the waves were a quarter cycle out of step, 90 degrees apart, the supercurrent would reach its maximum size.

But apparently only a limited amount of supercurrent could be conducted in this way.

These numbers implied that the supercurrent should tunnel back and forrh extremely rapidly: A mere thousandth of a volt across the sandwich would produce an alternating current that reverses itself 100 billion times a second.

This sine function is the same one that appeared earlier in the direct-current Josephson effect, where the supercurrent is proportional to the sine of the phase across the junction.

Then, because of the alternating-current Josephson effect, a supercurrent starts to oscillate back and forth between the superconductors.

Suppose the load is a resistor, again the most vanilla choice, and instead of the usual three channels for current flow in each junction, assume each has only two pathways, one for supercurrent and another for normal current.